Plots and Thoughts

Why Democrats Are Failing – Pay Attention Republicans

Posted in Analysis, Observations by Captain Optimistic on February 19, 2010

Memo to delusional conservatives who view anything left of Glenn Beck as socialist: you are ignoring why the Democrats are failing:

Nor are the Democrats having trouble because things have become “too partisan” – or have they forgot how they behaved towards Bush?

There’s a simple reason why their agenda is failing – it’s the same radical left agenda they’ve tried to shove down our throats time and time again.

Radical left?  PLEASE.  The current Democrat agenda is watered down centrism with appeals to the moderate right.  Its not even leftist, never mind radical!

The reasons it is failing are:

  • Democrats are too weak to stand up and fight
  • Republicans are doing everything they can to block all legislative progress in DC while simultaneously claiming credit back home.

The Republicans are obstructing government.  The Democrats are letting them.

Real liberals haven’t forgotten how Democrats behaved towards Bush – they gave him nearly everything he wanted.  Nor have we forgotten how Republicans screamed that opposition to a sitting President was treasonous, only to turn around and cross far beyond mere opposition into obstruction without batting an eye.

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  1. Moe said, on February 19, 2010 at 11:12 pm

    [The Republicans are obstructing government. The Democrats are letting them.]

    In a nutshell. Exquisite.

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